There Is No Way On Earth Anyone Can Justify Paying 10 Grand To Fly Their Dogs On A Private Jet

Joe McBride. Getty Images.

NY Post- They’re Irish jet-Setters.

Guess every dog does really have their day. A UK woman had her pooches in dog heaven (or at least the next best thing) after paying $10,000 to fly them on a private jet to New York — because it was apparently cheaper than the cargo hold.

“It was a great experience — once-in-a-lifetime,” Maddie Young, 31, told Jam Press of letting her canines join the mile-high Kennel Club, which reportedly included complimentary doggie treats and toys.

This wasn’t just another case of dog parents overpampering their pooches.

The p.r. freelancer’s husband Stephen Whitworth, 32, who runs a tech startup, had reportedly landed a job in Brooklyn and the pair were trying to figure out how to fly their two pups — a 2-year-old pug, Violet, and 1-year-old Golden retriever, Olive — out with them from London.

Understandably, ticket options for this 3,470-mile across-the-pond jaunt were not cheap: The airline quoted them around $15,000 for the two dogs — to fly cargo.

“The quotes were crazily expensive,” lamented Young. “We were limited as airlines don’t like to fly flat-face breeds as they can be more prone to breathing issues.”

And while Violet didn’t suffer from respiratory problems, the Londoner worried about stowing her pug below deck due to her advanced age.

Meanwhile, cruise liners had a two-year wait — ruling out traveling by sea.

After scouring the interwebs for other options, Young came across — wait for it — a Facebook group dedicated to chartering private jets for dogs.

“It was full of people organizing flights and splitting the costs,” the Brit exclaimed.

The couple initially paid around $12,000, but the airline ended up giving them $2,000 for filling the plane.

I'm all for dogs, and animal rights goes without saying. I also have never really been a "dog" person, as in the people who treat their dogs better than their own family. My family had a dog, we treated it well, but we didn't make ourselves suffer to benefit the dog. 

I think we all know those dog people who absolutely pamper them to the fullest degree. My dad worked with a guy who was a huge "dog person" and said when he took them on walks he would wipe their ass. Little bizarre if you ask me. Everyone should love their dogs, and treat them well but I never understood the outright dedication to the dog as if it were a human. But hey everyone has their own hobbies, and interests. 

Now with all that said, I think even the biggest of dog people will agree that spending 10 fucking grand to fly dogs on a private jet is an insane move. I find it really hard to justify playing 10 GRAND to fly myself anywhere, and that is with me openly admitting Airports are hell on earth. Would a private jet be nice? Sure. Have I flown on a private jet multiple times because I'm a power broker Dave is a great boss who allowed me to go on it a few times? Yes. Would I pay to fly private every time if I could? Of course. But it's also expensive as shit. So when push comes to shove, can I deal with the bullshit lines and sitting next to some maniac who is adjusting their seat 11 times and eating snacks at a ridiculous speed? Sure, you bet your ass I will. 

That means if I can suffer so can the dogs. Paying 10 grand to fly private is insane. Especially with an animal who can shit on the floor, bite a seat, or bark the entire flight. Now I'm going to be on the hook when little Cozette takes a shit midway through me watching Almost Famous midway through the flight ? No thanks dude. Anyone who can justify this cost, unless you are filthy rich is lying to themselves that under any circumstance a dog should be flying on a private jet. Waste of money. 

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